About 關於我們

Vision 未來目標

​​Our vision is to integrate the teaching of life ethics with eastern and western cultures. Through the teaching of Still Thoughts, we not only give the children the ability to use Chinese in their daily lives, but also foster the kindness in them and prepare them to face the challenges in a multi-faceted society. We plan to introduce students to community services, nurture their sense of humanity, love and appreciation and prepare them to become useful members of society.

                 慈濟人文學校以「慈悲喜捨, 誠正信實」的教學理念, 將生活倫理與中西文化融合在一起, 運用活潑有趣的靜思語教學方式, 不但教導孩子在生活中運用中文, 而且激發孩子本身的良知良能, 使我們的下一代, 更有能力應付多元化的生活挑戰。 未來更規劃帶領孩子走入社區服務, 養成悲心助人的情操, 並透過靜思語教學, 將大愛與感恩的清流匯入孩子的心靈, 期待為社會種下更多的善苗。 慈濟人文學校是個充滿愛與希望的大家庭, 是老師、父母、志工及孩子一起創造愛的教育的好地方, 竭誠邀約您加入我們的行列, 共同教育出自愛、愛人、 敦品勵學的下一代而努力!

Teaching Philosophies 人文學校理念

The Academy teaching principles emphasize mercy, compassion, joy, giving, honesty and integrity. The curriculum combines the language education with the learning of life ethics. Through the teaching of Still Thoughts*, we strive to instill civility and morality in students as well as pass on to them a selfless, kind, just and active perspectives on life. The students also learn respect for parents, self-content, thankfulness and understanding from these teachings. *Still Thoughts are excerpts of the inspirational teachings by Master Cheng Yen.

​                慈濟人文學校不僅著重中文的學習, 更用心培養孩子擁有正確的生活倫理與道德觀念, 透過「慈悲喜捨,     誠正信實」的校訓, 傳達給孩子的是一個無私、慈善、剛正、力行的人生觀, 我們更運用靜思語教學, 期待在孩子心田中撒下善良的種子。靜思語是慈濟創辦者證嚴上人的話語摘錄, 是待人處世寶貴的道理, 讓孩子從日常生活中點滴養成孝順、知足、感恩、善解等利人利己的美德。

Contact Information 聯繫方式

Email:     tcaboston@gmail.com

學校時間 School Hours:

Sundays from September – June
Academics:  9:30am – 11:20am
Extracurricular Activities:  11:30am – 12:20pm


Bedford High School
​9 Mudge Way
Bedford, MA 01730

Driving Directions From I-95:

I-95 /MA-128 – Take exit 31B onto Bedford Street. Continue Bedford Street until it changes to Great Road. Take left onto Mudge Way in Bedford.